REGISTER NO. 32/73 -74, DATED 31.05.1973
Admission 2024 - 25 Donate Alumini Donors Patrons Members
The Muslim Educational Society

President’s Message

In the fast changing dynamics of global economic and political order and the growing challenges before the younger generations to position themselves in an acceptable space in the society, to reap the benefits of nation’s growth, the community has an enormous responsibility. The first and the only answer to preparing a good human being, capable of facing the challenges of competition, in a diverse society like ours, is a good education not only with robust knowledge and analytical skills but with high moral values in day to day living.

It was with this vision that the Muslim Educational Society was established in 1973 with a few meaningful persons who started on Nursery and Primary education. Though the growth has been slow, yet we have a respectable name in Mysore with our Nursery, Primary and Higher secondary schools having produced over 25000 students spread across the world. A small land of one acre has been acquired on lease from the government and a small college with two degree programs started. We also established an ITI with skilled technicians being produced each year.

We now realize that it is time to expand into higher education as well as prepare the boys and girls to enter professional colleges.

The three immediate projects are to establish a Pre-university college, expand the degree college with more programs and build a Postgraduate and Research center.

The requirement during 2024 - 25 is estimated to be about Rs 2,00,00,000 (2Cr). I believe that if the community determines, this dream can be realized. I invite donors to contribute generously.

If we educate our youth, they will not only bring honour to the country and the community but also will themselves live with honour.

Dr. Syed Shakeeb ur Rahman,
                                                M.Tech., Ph.D.
Executive Council Member, VTU – Belagavi
Former :
Principal – SJCE, Mysuru,
Dean – VTU, Belagavi