REGISTER NO. 32/73 -74, DATED 31.05.1973
Admission 2024 - 25 Donate Alumini Donors Patrons Members
MES Membership Form – The Muslim Educational Society

MES Membership Form


The Muslim Educational Society

Ummer Khayam Road, Tilak Nagar

Mysore - 570021


    Mobile Number

    Type of Membership requested

    I request you to enroll me as a Patron • / Life Member •*, I do hereby agree to abide by the Rules and regulations of the Society and any amendments that may be made there from time to time. Further I shall stand by the values imbibed in the motto of service to the community without any selfish and self benefitting intentions.

    * The Executive Committee shall accept or reject any membership form, if it feels or sees any threat to the unity of the Society and its mission to serve the community.