The Educational and Social backwardness Of Muslims and prolific school dropouts in the community has been the matter of great concern to all of us. In 1973 a group of well-meaning personalities of Mysore joined together to debate and dwell on the issues pertaining to School dropouts particularly by children from poor families and first generation learners. It was unanimously concluded that the community children from backward areas and poor economic back ground, who were not having access to pre-primary education were the potential dropouts as their most important formative age between three to six years is spent at home or streets. Hence establishment of Kindergartens (pre primary Schools) was considered the first step towards a sound foundation and for further education in schools and colleges. Initially Ten schools were established in rented Mosque buildings and Madarasa buildings. The schools were all called Phool Ban Schools. For the first three years, the teachers were paid through public donations. Recognition and Grant in Aid was obtained for these ten schools in 1976.
Over a period of time, we grew from Nursery Schools to two Primary School and a Higher Secondary School, an Industrial Training Institute (ITI), and a Degree college.
Till date over 25000 students passed out of our schools and have gone to different parts of the country and abroad. The schools were with Urdu as Medium of Instruction as the government would give grant to only Urdu schools. Yet we started an English medium primary school, a Higher Secondary School, in the Eidgah grounds allocated by Mysore District Wakf, but without any aid from the government. Our first Udru Primary School was established at the Dargah property called Khadervali Makan at Sawday Road. The Society also acquired also one acre of land in Udayagiri area, a Muslim dominated area to construct a college. It has constructed a bare minimum accommodation for running of three undergraduate programmes, with support from Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah, K.S.A.
Currently the society has to maintain and run these institutions with very meager fee collection and hardly any donations coming from the local people. Yet the society has big dreams to expand its school network and grow vertical into Higher Education. Thus we need donors and philanthropist who would partner with us to realise the Dreams.